Gli orologi meccanici
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Eberhard & Co
1865: Nasce a Saint-Imier (Svizzera) Georges-Emile Eberhard, fondatore della Maison Eberhard & Co. Discendente da una famiglia di Berna, le cui origini risalgono al X secolo, Georges-Emile impara dal padre orologiaio tutti i segreti del mestiere.
1887: A soli 22 anni, Georges-Emile Eberhard fonda a La Chaux-de-Fonds (Svizzera) la Manufacture d'Horlogerie Eberhard & Co.
Il lancio del primo cronografo da tasca Eberhard & Co. segna la consacrazione della Maison nella produzione di orologi di qualita' e di alto contenuto tecnico. 
E' l'inizio di una lunga serie di successi sviluppati nell'arco di un secolo di attivita' e contrassegnati  dalla capacita' di coniugare innovazione e tradizione.
1907: Viene inaugurata la sede centrale in Rue Leopold Robert, a La Chaux-de-Fonds.
Grazie allo spirito imprenditoriale del fondatore, la Maison Eberhard & Co. si afferma a livello mondiale con la propria produzione di cronometri e cronografi.
Il nome Eberhard & Co. e' ormai diventato sinonimo di precisione e di alta qualita', caratteristiche che rendono gli orologi della Maison particolarmente adatti a chi ama l’avventura e le sfide. 
Esploratori, sportivi e piloti cosi' come uomini d'affari e appassionati riconoscono agli orologi della Maison Eberhard & Co. un valore non solo come oggetto, ma come elemento distintivo della propria personalità.
1919: Georges e Maurice Eberhard, figli del fondatore, assumono la direzione della Maison.
Nel corso dell'anno viene lanciato un cronografo da polso con attacco snodato e fondo a cerniera.
La cassa in oro a 18 carati diventa un must irrinunciabile, oltre che una garanzia di qualità.
1926: La direzione dell'azienda passa definitivamente ai figli, che continuano lo sviluppo della Maison nel segno dell'innovazione rispettando la tradizione che il nome ormai rappresenta nel mondo degli orologi.
1930: Lo sforzo innovativo della Maison Eberhard & Co. si concretizza nella fabbricazione del nuovo cronografo automatico, una vera novità tecnologica di questi tempi. 
Sempre negli anni '30 i cronografi Eberhard & Co. sono al polso degli Ufficiali della Regia Marina Militare italiana.
1935: La ricerca di novità della Maison svizzera porta alla creazione di un nuovo cronografo: si tratta di un inedito modello a due pulsanti con arresto e rimessa in marcia senza ritorno  a zero, novità che introduce una nuova possibilità di controllo nella misurazione del tempo.
1938: Per la prima volta un cronografo da polso e' fabbricato con il contatore delle ore ed il secolo dei records l'accoglie con entusiasmo.
E' ancora una volta la Maison Eberhard & Co. che apporta il suo contributo creativo a questa invenzione.
1939: Eberhard & Co. è una delle prime Case svizzere che contribuisce a rivoluzionare ancora una volta il mondo dei cronografi con un modello da polso dotato, oltre che di contatore delle ore, anche di un dispositivo rattrapante, tecnica che permette il doppio cronometraggio.
1947: Con la ripresa delle attività, dopo la fine della Seconda Guerra Mondiale, la Maison Eberhard & Co. si inserisce anche nel mercato degli orologi da donna: la qualità e l'affidabilità dei prodotti firmati Eberhard & Co. è ora anche al femminile con articoli di gioielleria di lusso.
1950: E' sul finire di questi anni che Eberhard & Co. presenta il modello Extra-fort con rimessa a zero dei secondi a slitta: un vero gioiello dell'orologeria meccanica, ancora oggi ambito orologio da collezione.
1960: E' di questi anni il dispositivo della messa a punto simultanea della data.
1968: I cronometri Eberhard & Co. giungono ad una nuova fase: i movimenti a 36.000 alternanze garantiscono un'elevata precisione.
Cominciano a essere sviluppati anche i primi movimenti elettronici che rappresentano per questi tempi una sfida avvenieristica.
1970: La collezione Sirio rappresenta la risposta Eberhard & Co. allo spirito del tempo: lo stile "siderale" di questi anni si ritrova nelle linee eleganti e raffinate di un orologio caratterizzato da un movimento quantièmes al quarzo di nuova concezione.
1980: E' all'inizio di questi anni che Eberhard & Co. è orgogliosa di essere la Maison svizzera che rilancia il cronografo meccanico.
1984: A seguito di studi e ricerche in collaborazione con la P.A.N. Frecce Tricolori, viene progettato Chronomaster Frecce Tricolori, il cronografo dedicato alla più famosa Pattuglia Acrobatica del mondo.
1987: La Maison Suisse d'Horlogerie Eberhard & Co. compie 100 anni.
Per celebrare il centenario della fondazione, presenta la collezione di cronografi Navymaster, le cui date commemorative sono riportate sul quadrante.
1992: Una data importante per Eberhard & Co. Nell'anno del centenario della nascita del più grande mito dell'automobilismo sportivo di tutti i tempi, la Maison Suisse presenta un cronografo davvero unico: "Tazio Nuvolari".
1996: La produzione Eberhard & Co. si orienta verso le grandi dimensioni con la presentazione di modelli di grande successo come Traversetolo (43 mm.), Tazio Nuvolari "Grande Taille" (43 mm.), Tazio Nuvolari Rattrapante "Géant" (51 mm).
1997: L'impegno nella costante ricerca, sempre legato ai forti valori della tradizione, consente ad Eberhard & Co. di presentare un orologio unico: 8 GIORNI.
Un orologio meccanico manuale che si carica una sola volta ogni 8 giorni.
L'innovazione di Eberhard & Co.  consiste in uno speciale dispositivo di carica formato da due molle sovrapposte che complessivamente superano il metro e mezzo di lunghezza.
Per dare un termine di paragone, un normale orologio da polso ha una sola molla lunga circa 30 centimetri.
1999: Viene presentato Extra-fort, reinterpretazione del cronografo che negli anni '50 ha contraddistinto un' epoca.
2001: E nel nuovo millennio, Eberhard & Co. rivoluziona la lettura del cronografo con Chrono 4: il primo cronografo nella storia dell'orologeria con i contatori allineati.
2003: Sempre alla ricerca di innovazione ma fedele alla propria tradizione, Eberhard & Co. presenta il cronografo “Tazio Nuvolari – Vanderbilt Cup” con il quale la Maison coniuga la passione per i contenuti tecnici con il gusto raffinato dei dettagli storici contenuti nel pulsante della cronografia inserito coassialmente alla corona di carica.
2004: La Collezione Extra-fort si arricchisce del modello "Roue à Colonnes Grande Date" in cui la raffinatezza estetica si coniuga perfettamente a quella meccanica dando vita ad un sapiente equilibrio di tradizione e innovazione.
La grande novità si esprime nella preziosità tecnica del movimento: le funzioni cronografiche sono “dirette” e comandate dalla ruota a colonne mediante un movimento automatico modificato secondo un nuovo ed esclusivo sistema.
2005: Dopo il rivoluzionario Chrono 4, Eberhard & Co. presenta Temerario, la versione più ardita e innovativa del cronografo con cui la Maison ha inventato un nuovo modo di leggere il tempo.
Chrono 4 Temerario ha una forma ed un volto assolutamente originali ed unici e vanta ben 3 brevetti esclusivi sviluppati da Eberhard & Co.: uno relativo alla costruzione del movimento, uno che concerne il sistema per accedere alla corona di regolazione e uno che riguarda la chiusura di sicurezza del cinturino o del bracciale.
2006: Scafodat è la Collezione di orologi subacquei realizzata per uso professionale, che ripropone la tradizione di Eberhard & Co. per gli orologi tecnico-sportivi.
2007: La Maison Suisse d’Horlogerie Eberhard & Co. celebra 120 anni di storia. 120 anni di passione per un’arte antica e affascinante. 120 anni di cronografi e orologi dalla personalità senza tempo. 120 anni che raccontano un passato illustre e, quel che più conta, consentono di raccogliere sempre nuove sfide per il futuro. 120 anni di cura per ogni dettaglio racchiusi in un cronografo molto particolare: Chronographe 120ème Anniversaire.
2008: Eberhard & Co. reinterpreta uno dei suoi più celebri classici, 8 Jours, proponendolo in una nuova e preziosa versione "Grande Taille". 
Chrono 4, il celebre cronografo che ha rivoluzionato la lettura del tempo, viene proposto nella versione “Grande Taille”, in perfetta sintonia con l’ultima tendenza che vuole l’orologio rigorosamente over size.
2009: Nel cronografo “Tazio Nuvolari Edition Limitée Grand Prix TN” rivive tutta l’essenza della passione sportiva.
Dall’emozione delle corse al fascino delle auto d’epoca, con la personalità unica di un grande campione.
Un modello esclusivo, realizzato in soli 999 esemplari.
La Maison reinterpreta ed aggiorna lo spirito di Extra-fort proponendolo in una raffinata versione Vitré. Il fondo trasparente in vetro zaffiro svela l’eleganza e la preziosità del movimento.
2010: Eberhard & Co. con Gilda ridisegna la sua idea di femminilità.
Le linee morbide della cassa ellittica, l’armonia dei dettagli e il motivo floreale sul fondello raccontano un’eleganza moderna e insieme eterna, arricchita in tutti i modelli da materiali preziosi, come madreperla e diamanti.
Un insieme sensuale e volitivo, costellato di piccoli segreti, come una donna.

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E. Gubelin
Gübelin’s story began at a time that coincided with the beginning of the technical, medical and economic developments without which today’s world would be unthinkable.
Jakob Josef Mauritz Breitschmid first opened his watchmaker’s shop at Pfistergasse in Lucerne in 1854, six years after the Constitution of 1848 established the modern state of Switzerland. 
Business was going so well that soon he was able to take on an apprentice by the name of Eduard Jakob Gübelin.
After his years as an apprentice and as a journeyman in Paris, the young man returned to his master, married his daughter Bertha and in 1899 also bought the business.
Breitschmid’s watchmaker’s shop was universally stocked and he himself was open to new ideas.
He was a watchmaker heart and soul, but also a man in touch with the times.
A look at the Berne Post Office archives shows that it was Breitschmid who installed the first telephone sets in Lucerne. 
While the world was going through the dramatic changes of the turn of the last century, Breitschmid and Gübelin spotted an opportunity and moved their shop to a location were the nobles and aristocrats were known to stroll. 
The rest, as they say, is history.
Today, the head of the company is Thomas Gübelin. 
His father, Walter Gübelin, who had successfully managed the company since the end of the Second World War, handed over the business to his son in 1988.
Overall, Thomas Gübelin continued the tradition established by his father, consolidated the company’s position as a Swiss family-run enterprise for Swiss and foreign clients, and did so by expanding the range of services which today are crucial to the company and its clientele, namely competence in design and service.
The design applies as much to each individual item of jewelry as to the entire range of watch makes offered by Gübelin. 
Watches, jewelry and gems are intended as mementos of precious experiences, a reminder of significant moments.
The individual care and attention is appreciated by anyone who walks into Gübelin after all service has always been one of the company’s strengths.
And what Thomas Gübelin has initiated is to be continued one day, in the sixth generation, by his two children, Raphael and Sara, both of whom already work for the company.
That’s 150 years for the three big secrets of the world: love, beauty and time.
All three have accompanied the family and the enterprise throughout, and will continue to do so.
They have been the essence and the objective, and since no-one is really able to grasp them, the fascination of shaping and conveying the world of beautiful things remains as undiminished as before.
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Edouard Lauzières
In 1932 the entrepreneur René Steinacher decided to launch his own brand of fine Swiss Made classical dress watches for his discerning customers in Brazil.
Under René's careful guidance the brand prospered quickly in Brazil and other South American countries.
In the 1970s René devoted less and less time to his watch making venture.
Since then only a very limited number of watches were made every year.
In 2005 the great-grandson of René Steinacher, Nicola Elsener, decided after an extended trip to Brazil to revive the Montres Edouard Lauzières brand.

His feelings telling him that the brand his late great-grandfather loved so much is worth more than his while he convinced his family to bankroll his nursing the Edouard Lauzières brand to its former heights.
All people involved in the long history of Montres Edouard Lauzières watches would be more than pleased with Nicola's efforts of bringing the Edouard Lauzières watches to the fore of the Swiss watch industry again.
By wearing and selling the fine Edouard Lauzières watches you are entering into a bond with the heritage of success of Montres Edouard Lauzières too.
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Since its foundation in 1884 in Biel, Switzerland, the brand Edox is the symbol of elegance, dyna-mism and excellent technical competence.
In 1884 the watchmaker Christian Rüefli-Flury, originated from the Swiss watch town Grenchen, established his own watch manufacture.
Biel was his prefered place of business. A new chapter of Swiss watchmaking art led off in this flourishing watch town.
Rüefli was a very experienced and talented watchmaker.
Nobody else refined raw materials with such an exquisite taste like him.
A few times later Rüefli took out a patent for the brand Edox and the sand-glass.
Edox: a remarkable name, easily to pronounce in each language and short enough to decorate the dial of pocket watches with style and elegance.
Edox, originated from the ancient Greek, means “the hour”.
After the death of the founder in 1921, the factory devolved upon the banker Robert Kaufmann-Hug.
This new, modern thinking man on the top of the company realized very quickly, that the time-honoured pocket watch will soon be replaced by the wrist watch.
Edox was the only watch manufacture of the world, which concentrated its production only on wrist watches.
Conscious of this new development on the market, the brand Edox became more successful and was transformed in a limited company in 1927.
After the second world war the demand for Edox-watches incredibly increased.
Thanks to a very high production and well placed investments the most technical developed watch manufacture has been built in spring 1955.
In 1961 Edox-engineers developed a water-resistant, patented crown system, based on a double waterproof joint.
Thanks to this revolutionary waterproof system the crown needn’t to be screwed and guarantees a simple and comfortable handling.
This technical innovation, as well as a double casing bottom are the main parts of a water-resistant and athletic watch collection, called „Delfin“.
The “Delfin” is water-resistant to 500 metres.
At this time a never reached technical masterpiece.
From now on water sportsmen and a wealthy clientele of boat owners were interested in these watches.
This was the beginning of a now 50 years old relationship between Edox and the world of luxury boats.
A never ending “love story” growing by new innovating ideas and designs as well as technical perfection; Edox visualized the future from the very beginning of its establishment.
In 1965 Robert Kaufmann-Hug’s nephew, Victor Flury-Liechti, became director.
Victor Flury-Liechti made considerable investments in a consequent further education of the management, as well as the technical competence of the engineers and watchmakers.
In 1969 the first results of these in-vestments became obvious.
The Edox-engineers developed a very resistant, waterproofed watch based on multi hardened stainless steel, called „Bluebird“.
This watch is made of a double casing bottom and shock absorbers.
The extremely resistant “Bluebird” contains of a nearly scratch resistantsurface, which gives the watch always a new touch.
In the early seventies Edox presented the worldwide first real GMT watch, the „Geoscope“.
A world premiere!
The dial represents the realistic copy of the globe view from the south pole’s perspective.
The continents like America, Asia, Europe, Africa, Australia as well as New Zealand can be clearly identified.
The dial turns, exactly like the earth, within 24 hours around his own axis.
The GMT time (zero meridian) as well as the position of the sun are indicated.
This watch has become a very desired collectible and experts deal it to astronomic high prices.
Because of this innovation Edox be-came one of the ten most important watch making manufactures in Switzerland and stands out until today, thanks to its constant further development.
Edox was unfortunately also affected by a profounded crisis unsettling the Swiss watch manufacture industry in the seventies.
1973 all shares of Edox were sold to ASUAG (predecessor of the Swatch-Group), the Swiss most important association of watch making manufacturers.
This collaboration didn’t adduce the expected success.
In 1983 Victor Strambini, president of Edox, buys all Edox shares from ASUAG (today Swatch Group).
Edox became finally again independent! Victor Strambini focused right away the excellent characteristics of the traditional brand: the fusion of dynamism, elegance and technical innovation in an excellent quality of workmanship.
Victor Strambini removed the Edox headquarters to Les Genevez in the very heart of the Swiss Jura.
To date all Edox watches are hand-assembled by skilled watchmakers in the workshops in Les Genevez.

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Ellicott, a legendary watch brand, had been remaining unseen for a long period of time.
And only in the 21th century, the world discovered brilliant Ellicott wrist watches.
Ellicott watches have come to the fore due to the wonderful combination of traditions and cultural transmission of Ellicott dynasty.
The Ellicott watchmaking dynasty began in 1687 in London, when John Ellicott became a pupil of John Waters.
Following in his father's footsteps, John Ellicott II was studying the watchmaking trade.
He was so talented, that by 1738 he had become a member of the Royal Society.
Later, he entered the Council and began to talk on the watchmaking art.
John Ellicott's brilliant career allowed him to create a great number of “public” watches, including the clock of London Hospital.
Having improved the escape cylinder and adapted it to his own usage, he also developed the unusual compensation pendulum.
The watches, created by John Ellicott, were highly appreciated by the representatives of the Royal Household and by the King for their irreproachable quality.
Soon, the talented craftsmen became the watchmaker of the King George III.
At the present time, some of pocket watches, created by John Ellicott, are stored in different museums.
In 1772, John Ellicott's elder son Edward succeeded to his great father.
It should be mentioned, that  Edward become  John Ellicott's partner in 1760.
In 1791, John Ellicott's grandson, Edward III, took over the helm of the company.
At the present time  Ellicott company's watchmakers create the wonderful wrist watches, that justify their long and rich history by the high quality and perfect characteristics.
Ellicott was the first company, that presented the concept chronograph with epoxy resin, it was Mach One Airforce watch.
The watch case is made of carbon fiber monoblock.
The bezel and the watch back is produced from tantalum, and the crown is made of titanium.
The dial is also made of carbon fiber.
This model can be characterized as “ the courageous elegance”.
Ellicott company has also presented the wonderful model, that is Majesty wrist watch.
The watch is powered by the automatic  Ellicott movement Caliber MG3.
The watch case is produced from the solid gold, the bezel is made of tantalum.
The watch dial is covered with the sapphire crystal.
There is a date aperture at “3:00” position on the dial.
The strap with the rose gold buckle is made of crocodile leather.
The watch is water resistant up to 30 meters.
If you'd like to purchase this watch, you should hurry, as the models have been released in the limited edition.
For modern and beautiful women  Ellicott company has presented luxury watches, known as Lady Tuxedo.
The golden case and dial of this automatic chronograph is encrusted with wonderful diamonds.
The golden crown is decorated with cabochon.
Ellicott wrist watch is the quintessence of the best traditions of the English watchmaking.
These models are sure to delight all the experts and watch fans, as they are the rare items for the collection of any exacting collector and connoisseur.

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On October 1, 1913 Ariste Racine (1889 - 1958) and his wife Emma Blatt started a 'Manufacture d'Horlogerie Ariste Racine' in the Rue du Crêt 24 in La Chaux-de-Fonds*.
As the name 'Racine' was already a trademark, registered since 1870 by Jules Racine Sr., Emma Racine-Blatt proposed an anagram of the family name: 'ENICAR'.
Ariste Racine registered his manufacture and that brand name on January 6, 1914. ENICAR was used - however - only as his telegram address.
In his publications he used 'Horlogerie Ariste Racine'.
On December 18, 1914 he received his first patent on a wrist watch.
On January 2, February 3 and March 11, 1915 Ariste registered in total 11 models of that integrated compass pocket watch design.
Among them also a few wrist watches with an integrated compass.
On April 1, 1916 Racine moved his factory to the Rue du Parc 94 in La Chaux-de-Fonds, but this venue became soon too small.
On June 17, 1916 they rented a part of Ariste's mother's house in Longeau (Lengnau). They named that branch of their business 'Longeau Watch Co.'.
On April 11, 1918 they bought the entire house of Ariste's mother and some land around it and closed both factories in La Chaux-de-Fonds.
Longeau became the official seat of the company.
The Racine's were also active on the (still) famous Plainpalais Market in Geneva. In January 1931 that branch was closed, though.
Oscar Racine, Ariste's brother, was joining the company as per May 17, 1918.
He owned a shaft factory in Biel, which he closed down on June 9, 1919.
The Chamber of Commerce removed the registration of his company on May 30, 1930.
Both Ariste and Oscar were brilliant salesmen and were quite ingenious.
Again, mother's house became too small, so the Racine's decided to build a brand new factory in Longeau.
Since late 1920 it became operational and the name ENICAR was used on all products.
On April 11, 1932 the company was named ENICAR Société Anonyme.
In 1934 Ariste Racine Junior, son of Ariste and Emma, entered the company and as per October 30, 1939 he became general director.
His sister Paulette Racine and Otto Bratschi were allowed the company's procuration.
Modern production methods were introduced and production and sales went sky-high. In the early 1950's over 70,000 movements were produced annually.
ENICAR developed interesting watches, which were sturdy and reliable.
On July 16, 1954 ENICAR received its first certificate of accuracy of the Neuchâtel forerunner of the COSC (Contrôle Officiel Suisse des Chronomètres = Swiss Official Inspection of Chronometers; founded in 1973) for its 1010 Caliber.
A waterproof wrist watch with a newly developed case (with bayonet lid) was introduced as 'Seapearl' in 1955.
'Seapearl' was registered as a trademark on April 10, 1953 already.
In 1956 the first automatic winding chronometer (based on Felsa 1560 Caliber) was introduced.
Three years later ENICAR was able to produce its own automatic caliber (1125).
Caliber 1125, 1126 and 1127 were offered as 'Rubyrotor' with 33 Jewels! A steel version is the 1145 caliber.
ENICAR's first automatic chronometer* wrist watch was called 'ENICAR Supertest' (caliber 1124, 30 jewels, aka Supertest 300 caliber), although it wasn't officially a chronometer watch as it wasn't officially tested by whatever testing agency.
On May 18, 1956 a Swiss expedition reached the summit of the Lhotse Mountain (8,516 meters) in the Himalayas, followed by the summit of the Mount Everest (8,848 meters) four days later.
All expedition members were wearing ENICAR Seapearl watches.
They all turned out to be very reliable - as the Nepalese sherpa's were - which led to the brand name ENICAR Sherpa.
That name was registered on November 6, 1956. From that moment on many Sherpa varieties (over 100 different designs) were introduced.
The top wrist watch was the Sherpa-Graph featuring the Valjoux 72 movement.
In 1957 the famous (replica) sailing ship Mayflower II was crossing the Atlantic with an ENICAR Sherpa attached to its keel.
The watch survived the trip and thus the 'Ocean Pearl' was born.
A variety of this watch was the Sherpa Dive, which was introduced in 1958, followed one year later by an improved model.
An other stunt was organized in January 1963: a regular Sherpa wrist watch was (notarized) placed on a ski, which was used for one week during downhill races.
Needless to say that the watch - though frozen from time to time - was waterproof.
ENICAR S.A. was declared bankrupt on February 8, 1988. The remaining stock (mainly caliber 160 and automatic caliber 1145B) was bought by Gerd-Rüdiger Lang, who started a watch manufacture, known as 'Chronoswiss'.
The brand name/trademark 'ENICAR' was bought in 1988 by an Asian investor.
Swiss made ENICAR watches (1913-1988) were and still are high end wrist watches, that were/are equaling the quality of watches made by Rolex, Omega, IWC and many others.

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The origins of the EPOS Company date back to 1925.
In that year, James Aubert formed his watch company in the Vallée de Joux, known as the centre of the mechanical watch world.
James Aubert was an enthusiastic mechanical watch engineer, who dedicated his life to developing new watch mechanisms.
James Aubert was a master of his art and spent most of his efforts focusing on technical developments of chrono-graphs and minute repeaters.
He had first acquired his skills working as an engineer for the former watch movement manufacturers “Valjoux” and “Landeron“.
In the true watchmakers’ tradition, he handed down his knowledge to his nephew Jean Aubert and his son-in-law, Jean Fillon, who is still today the EPOS’ watch engineer in chief.
In his workshop many of EPOS’ own developments for complicated watches were created in close cooperation with EPOS watchmakers.
A few that could be named are the jumping hour, the power reserve indication, the big date, the regulator and the regulator with the phases of the moon.
Company Formation In the early 80s, the success story of the traditional Swiss watch came to a standstill.
The new quartz technology radically changed the face of the watch industry.
Nobody wanted to produce mechanical watches any longer, with the notable exception of a few luxury brands.
Peter Hofer, a long-established expert in Swiss watchmaking, was one of the few who still believed in the future of the mechanical watch.
With this vision, he and his wife Erna decided to form their own company in 1983: Montres EPOS SA.
Their main assets were a passion for mechanical watches and a technical know-how in this field.
Personal contacts with key people in watch workshops both in the Jura Mountains and the Vallée de Joux, as well as a vast knowledge of the global watch market, enabled Peter Hofer to quickly develop his own brand.
From the very beginning, EPOS has been a mechanical brand with interesting innovations.
For 20 years he remained faithful to his vision, developing stunning collections incorporating fascinating mechanisms, always in close cooperation with Jean Fillon.
In 2002 Peter Hofer looked for a successor who shared his passion for mechanical watches and was willing to take over and develop the EPOS business.
Ursula Forster, who came from a watchmakers’ family, and her husband Tamdi, who also had great experience in the Swiss watchmaking industry, seemed to be the ideal solution.
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Erhard Junghans
It is 1861 - a year that marked important milestones in world history:
A Civil War broke out in the United States of America, which was not only a "War between the States" but also between "old" ways and "new" ways of thinking; Tsar Alexander II. abolished serfdom in Russia; in Cambridge, Massachusetts, the M.I.T. was founded, and in front of the Physics Society of Frankfurt, Germany, Philipp Reis demonstrated the principle of electrical voice transmission, which he had discovered a year earlier: the telephone.
In Germany's Black Forest region, the art of clock-making, still in its infancy, was facing a crisis that became a challenge for a businessman whom the people in this region and beyond would soon call the "inventor of the German watch": Erhard Junghans.
He was a visionary: Erhard Junghans knew that he could only continue this history by meeting challenges with innovation and an open mind for anything new.
He was the first of a new type of entrepreneurs who were conservative in their values but not in their thinking.
Technological innovations, social achievements, commercial success - the Junghans name became synonymous with the blessings of a new era, far beyond the limits of Schramberg and the Black Forest.

In the final two decades of the nineteenth century, the family name, already rich in tradition, became a symbol that was recognized and respected all over the globe.
Like clockwork, the brand rose to worldwide fame and recognition.
The nineteenth century ended with the spectacular World Fair in Paris - and one of the attractions was a watch from Schramberg that linked past and future, a monumental masterpiece, that managed to excite, enchant, and educate with its mechanical representation of the Passion of the Christ and its elaborate decoration.
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Ernest Borel

Ernest Borel is a Swiss watch brand founded and established in 1856 in Neuchâtel by Jules Borel and Paul Courvoisier.
The company has a proud history of more than 150 years and the brand is well known for its quality and know how on the five continents.
Ever since it was founded, the company has relied on regional manpower and savoir-faire to pursue its development.
In 1866 Ernest Borel watches were granted N0 1 in the competition organized by Neuchâtel Observatory.
Since then, solid foundation for unusual famous watches was established.
In 1876 Ernest Borel watches were granted Premium Award in Philadelphia USA.
In 1878 Ernest Borel obtained in Paris the only Precious Premium Award the Swiss clock/watch industry.
In 1937 Ernest Borel was granted grand prix Honorary Award in Greece.
From 1945 to 1958, 4172 Ernest Borel watches were granted certificate “Bulletin de marche” by the Swiss Neuchâtel Observatory.
In 1958, two models of Ernest Borel timing meters were granted top Award by the same Observatory.
The Lovers trade mark image of Ernest Borel representing two hearts meeting by chance linger forever had deeply embedded into customers mind along with the praises.
Ernest Borel consistently held the belief Solid and Durable, Accurate and Secure, Elegant and Practical.
Ernest Borel always follows the initial enterprise spirit of creating perfection.
Not only is it very meaningful for the clock and watch industry but also provides an unchangeable life style for those pursuing perfection, fashion and romance.
In 1860 Ernest Borel exported the first batch of watches to Uruguay showing its existence in South America.
In 1867 Ernest Borel pushed forward to Spain and sales network quickly spread. Ernest Borel’s obedience to family strategy of foresight and sagacity enabled its product sales channels to spread to continents like America, Europe and Asia, and then the company quickly expanded to countries like Japan, China and India, these regions becoming Ernest Borel main market.
Ernest Borel watches cater for the medium to high end markets, offering a range of watches with traditional, young or sporty designs to suit all tastes as well as a Superior range of watches with complications and certified chronometers recognized by the official seal of Contrôle Officiel Suisse des Chronomètres (COSC).

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Antique pocket watch
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The basis of the Eterna Watch Company was founded in 1851.

By the 1900s, wristwatches were just starting to become fashionable.

Schild Fréres, as the company was then known, started to produce lady’s wristwatches from adapted small pocket watches.

In 1905, the company changed their name to Eterna.

The company continued to be at the leading edge of watch developments, and in 1908 it patented the first alarm wristwatch.

The watch went into production in 1914 and was launched at the Swiss National Exhibition at Berne in that year.

By 1932, Eterna had set up a subsidiary company, ETA, to make movements for itself and other Swiss watch companies.

This same year Theodore retired and handed over the control of the company to his nephew Rudolf Schild.

Although retired, Theodore remained on the board of directors until his death in 1950.

Eterna produced many innovations in their history, the smallest production wristwatch with a Baguette movement in 1930, an eight-day alarm watch in the 1930s and their first automatic watch in 1938.

Probably the most famous Eterna watch was their Eterna-matic.

This watch was launched in 1948.

The design of the automatic winding was one of Eterna’s greatest designs.

The rotor ran on small ball bearings making it very efficient, hence the trademark of five ball bearings.

The Eterna-matic continued in various styles and was still available in 1998, and has indeed been relaunched.

After 1982, the Eterna company was sold several times.

By 1995, it ended up being owned by F.A.P. Beteiligungs GmbH. In 1999, Eterna produced a range of watches that were marketed under the Porsche Design label.

The company is still at the forefront of modern wristwatch design.

Porsche Design sold Eterna to International Volant Ltd, a subsidiary of China Haidian 30.6.2011.

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Schild Eterna
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